A Biblical Framework

Artwork by Gustavo Novoa - Leopard, Panther, Lion, Elephant, Zebra, Rhino, Peaceable Kingdom


What can People of The Book agree on when it comes to the creation?

  1. Original Goodness. When God made heaven and earth, and all the creatures of the sea, air, and land, God called this work “very good.” (Genesis 1:1,31)

  2. Created To Care. When God made humans, they were placed in the Garden to care for it. (Genesis 2:15)

  3. Our Call Is Inclusive. The call on the People of God to care for the creation is extended to the land, the workers, the poor, the immigrant, the domesticated animals, and the wild animals. (Deuteronomy 5:12-14; Leviticus 25:1-7)

  4. There Are Consequences. Failure to be caretakers of each other and the creation leads to profound real world devastation. (Isaiah 24:4-6; Hosea 4:1-3)

  5. We Must Resist The Hezekiah Syndrome. Faced with the future destruction of his kingdom (including his own children) he shrugged it all off because the devastating consequence were far enough away they wouldn’t affect him personally. (2 Kings 20:12-19)

  6. What Is Forgotten Cannot Be Healed. Middle and Upper-Class American people of faith are disproportionally responsible for poisoning our world’s sky, waters and lands and nearly every creature therein… including ourselves. We cannot heal until we remember that we are failing as caretakers of creation. (Psalm 32 & 104 & 145)

  7. We Can Start Again. Substantial healing is possible if we humble ourselves and turn away from our selfish and destructive ways (2 Chronicles 7:13-15). By God’s grace, let us do the work of becoming a blessing to our neighbors, to our fellow creatures (including the land) and to our children, grandchildren and future generations. (Psalm 8)


earthCAREproject (an essay)